dijous, 9 de juny del 2011


  • Vucabulary:
To miss-Trobar a faltar                          Junk food-"Comida basura"
Research-Recerca                                  Nutrients-Nutrients
Fuel-Combustible                                   Dairy food- Manjar de cada dia
  • Tony is very disappointed. Why?  Becose his not at mettet.
  •  What's his problem and howcan he solve it? He need exercise and eating.
  • Go to FOOD and FUEL: The body gets the fuel the nutrients on the food and drink.

  Fat and sugger food-Fats

meet and fish-Protain.

frut and vegetable-Vitamins and minerals.

breat and cereals- Carbohydrates

 Yes. But sometimes is not healthy.

1. Can you find a healthy recipe?
Preparation method
  1. Toast the slices of bread on both sides until pale brown.
  2. Rub one side of each slice of toast with the cut side of a clove of garlic, using a new half garlic every couple of slices.
  3. Rub the garlicky side of each slice with the cut side of a tomato. The aim is to give the bread a red colour and tomato flavour without making it too soggy. Use a new tomato half every two or three slices, as you need to.
  4. Arrange the slices on a serving plate, drizzle with the olive oil and sprinkle with salt to serve.

2. What are the 10 tips to keepyoy fit and healthy?
  • First try to balance the dish
  • Drink water
  • walk every day
  • not eating sweets
  • Run 1-2 of week 
  • exercise
  • sport
  • drink Milk every day
  • eat cereals every day 
  • eat vegetebles 2-3 of week


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