dimecres, 18 de maig del 2011

I’m get up at 7 o’clock then letter I’m shower and get dress. After have breakfast. I go to school by car at 8:30. The school’s starts al 9:00 o’clock. I have lunch in home at 2:00. I go to school at 2:30. The finish’s at 5’00 o’clock. I have breakfast and do you my homework. At 9:00 o’clock I have dinner whit my family. At go to bed at 10:30 o’clock.

Every day I wake up at 7:00, I shower, I dress and breakfast. Then I school. Friday 1:30 to go except to go 2: 00. The classes end at 5:00 except Tuesdays which leaves at 7. Going home after breakfast and do their homework. 9:00 I have dinner wings and I'm going to sleep at 10: 30.

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